Creating safe, effective, natural products to nourish the skin and hair, decreasing chronic ailments.

Meet Gina,
our founder

Our health journey:

Most of my life I have battled hormone induced acne with blemish-prone, sensitive skin, due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

My family deals with issues ranging from hormonal acne break-outs, chemo-related dry skin, ezcema, brittle hair, hormonal hair loss, aging spots and wrinkles, and intolerace for many prescription medications/ creams.

I know how exhausting it can feel to spend hundreds of dollars on skin care products, only to have unwanted reactions to the harsh, synthetic chemicals that were supposed to help. It can make you feel like giving up.

As a registered nurse for over 20 years I have cared for patients of all ages with a host of skin issues. Many had unwanted reactions to the chemicals in drugs and longed for a more natural approach to their chronic ailments.

It was not unusual for me to keep herbal teas in my locker and provide them to my patients to help calm some of their symptoms. I especially loved to do this with my palliative and hospice patients.

My family and patient’s needs drove me to learn about the wonderful powers of herbs, natural butters and oils, and other ingredients. After much trial and error and copious research and training, I was able to start formulating products that worked!

About Earthen Ardor

Earthen Ardor is a Christian small family business located in the beautiful state of Georgia, USA.

You will often find me in my special home lab researching and creating new products. In the background, you will hear the laughter of my family as we navigate life with 3 generations under the same roof. You might also hear the tunes of Caribbean music as we celebrate our island heritage.

Earthen Ardor is located in the state of Georgia, in the US. It is a Christian small family business, black owned and operated. We offer direct sales online only but will attend special functions as a vendor upon special request.

Feel and look radiant in your natural beauty while also providing your family with trusted self-care products that provide relief.

Fun facts about Gina

Let’s get to know each other

We homeschool our boys and they love to help with packaging the products and even help to make some of the simple ones. I love teaching them a trade that they can use to help others that isn’t taught in traditional school.

I fell in love with medical missionary work after going on a missionary trip to Haiti. Part of the proceeds of each purchase will go towards supporting medical missionary work via the Adventist Development & Relief Agency (ADRA) and Mercy Ships. You can find out more about them or donate on your own at and